Heavy-Duty Electric Power Steering for Automated Container Transport Vehicles
Cascade Drives TruEPS™ technology helps green ports take the next step toward more sustainable, more efficient operations.
More and more container ports worldwide are adopting Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for inter-terminal shipping container transportation. Cascade Drives electric power steering technology is among the first-to-market for heavy duty commercial vehicles, making it possible for port operators to transition to cleaner, more sustainable and more efficient steering systems for AGVs.
An electric AGV. Photo: Wolfgang Klein.
AGVs improve efficiency in ports
AGVs are large robotic vehicles used to pick up and drop off containers at various port locations with a high degree of efficiency. Since they are driverless and automated, they reduce manhours and increase predictability.
To see AGVs in action - here’s a short YouTube clip.
Moving forward, reverse and sideways
AGVs are typically dual-axle vehicles with independent steering on both the forward and rear axle. This allows them to execute sharp turns and also move sideways when needed. All AGVs are remotely controlled via a computer system, coupled with onboard vehicle sensors, to ensure safe operation.
Going electric
When AGVs were first introduced around the turn of the millennium, they were diesel-powered vehicles with complex hydraulic systems for steering and braking. Today, most suppliers offer electric AGVs, powered by efficient lithium-ion batteries. These 24/7 workhorses even pop off by themselves to automatically recharge when their energy levels drop.
Efficient steering for more uptime
“By replacing hydraulic systems with powerful electro-mechanical devices we not only reduce complexity and downtime, but we also remove harmful chemicals from the workplace.”
As with any electric vehicle, energy optimization becomes critical. You want your AGVs to keep moving containers and spend as little time as possible idling by the recharging station or down for maintenance. This is where Casacde’s TruEPS™ system comes into play. In addition to being virtually maintenance-free and shock load resistant for heavy-duty applications, it’s also very power efficient. If the AGV is not changing its direction, the steering system consumes no power at all. The result is a lower lifetime cost, and your AGVs spend less time charging and more time working.
The power of data
As with most other highly automated electric vehicles, an advanced steering system such as TruEPS™ opens up new possibilities for vehicle control and data collection. Its precision and high level of customization allows you to fine-tune your AGVs to your environment and use case. And since every vehicle is also a sensor data collection point, you can further learn from and improve your vehicle fleet operations.
A cleaner port
Conceptual image of electric AGV with dual-axle TruEPS™ power steering.
As more and more industries join the electric vehicle revolution, we also see the added benefit of a much cleaner work environment. By replacing hydraulic systems with powerful electro-mechanical devices we not only reduce complexity and downtime, but we also remove harmful chemicals from the workplace. And just like batteries have replaced diesel fumes, Cascade’s power actuator technology will make toxic hydraulic oil spills a thing of the past.
Like to learn more?
Feel free to contact Cascade Drives sales engineer Andreas Aspell at andreas.aspell@cascadedrives.com or +46 73-981 53 57.