Electric Power Steering (EPS)
Steer-by-wire electric steering for heavy vehicles
True EPS for heavy-duty vehicles. Replace conventional hydraulic power steering with a powerful and robust electromechanical system designed for heavy-duty applications. The Cascade TruEPS™ steering system is compact, efficient, fast, and accurate. Unlike other EPS solutions, it doesn’t suffer from degradation due to wear from shock-loading.
What is TruEPS™?
Cascade Drives’ TruEPS™ is a new steering system built around Cascade’s powerful electro-mechanical actuators. Designed to replace hydraulic servo systems, TruEPS™ technology is a smart and efficient way to perform single-axle and multi-axle steering in electric commercial vehicles (large EVs).
Power-assisted steering
Programmable electro-mechanical actuator that amplifies the input from the mechanical steering column.
Mechanical input
Master mode
By-wire steering
Instead of a mechanical steering shaft, input from the steering wheel is converted into electric signals to control the assisted steering output.
Electric input
Both master and slave modes
Dual motors
Autonomous steering
The TruEPS™ SelfDrive is designed to work with fully autonomous driving systems.
Electric input
Both master and slave modes
Dual motors

The new innovative commercial vehicle steering system.
Advanced features
In autonomous vehicles, controllability is key for safe and reliable operations. The Cascade TruEPS™ system is superior when it comes to positioning accuracy. And with its resilience to external forces such as shock-loading, you benefit from longer service intervals and lower maintenance costs.
Single unit design
No more hoses, pipes, pumps, and reservoirs. And no oil leaks.
ADAS integration
Communicates with existing vehicle safety and comfort systems.
Superior response time
Torque response time below 25ms.
Market-leading accuracy
0.1 mm linear accuracy.
Energy efficient
Extends vehicle range with smart energy management.
High shock load resistance eliminates downtime and high service costs.
Want to know more?
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We’ll be happy to discuss how your electric vehicles can benefit from TruEPS™ technology.
Andreas Aspell
+46 73-981 53 57